The Context


Grenfell-affected residents will get to decide how a new Curve Legacy Fund, designed to fund projects that serve the North Kensington community, will be spent.

Following a consultation about the future of The Curve with the community in 2021, in which North Kensington residents opted to set up a new Fund and Community Trust to ensure a lasting legacy for years to come.

This £1.3m Curve Legacy Fund, originally allocated for Curve services delivered out of Bard Road, will be overseen by the Community Trust.

The new Community Trust will comprise members of the North Kensington community.

The Council made a £1.3 million pledge for all costs associated with the Curve Legacy and Community Trust.

The council in consultation with the then board of governors engaged in a consultation exercise. They received 167 responses.

30% expressed a preference for ‘a Curve Legacy Fund, designed to fund projects that serve the North Kensington community’ and 22% preferred ‘another idea, developed and overseen by the Curve Legacy Steering Group’, a majority of whom favoured the setting up of a Community Trust.

The Council opted for the 2nd option.

The leadership of the council decided

  1. create a Curve Legacy Fund, designed to fund projects that serve the North Kensington community, based on their expressed needs; and
  2. b) form a Trust (referred to hereafter as the “Community Trust”), which will oversee the Curve Legacy Fund. The Community Trust’s focus will also be to sustain the Curve Legacy after the five-year strategy has concluded in March 2024.

RBKC has been working with the Curve Grenfell Legacy Group which will appoint the new independent Community Trust / Organisation. This Trust will oversee the remaining £1.3m Curve budget. The new Community Trust will be made up of members of the North Kensington community


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